Luleå Adventure

Luleå Adventure H1

Luleå Adventure H2

General information: When you come to us, we meet in the barbecue hut where we go through clothes and today's dog sledding trip. An experienced instructor / guide shows the basics and you get to learn how the sled works, how to harness and connect the dogs in the team. When the dogs are tethered, it's time to drive away.

With the help of headlamps, we light up the road. We drive the dog team on existing snowmobile trails that go through forests and fields.

Throughout the tour, the Guide has supervision over you and the surroundings. All for your safety. During the tour we stop to rest the dogs and change drivers.

When we return from the tour, we harness the dogs and take them into the kennels.Hot drinks and a sandwich are then served in the barbecue hut.

General information: When you come to us, we meet in the barbecue hut where we go through clothes and today's dog sledding trip. An experienced instructor / guide shows the basics and you get to learn how the sled works, how to harness and connect the dogs in the team. When the dogs are tethered, it's time to drive away.

With the help of headlamps, we light up the road. We drive the dog team on existing snowmobile trails that go through forests and fields.

Throughout the tour, the Guide has supervision over you and the surroundings. All for your safety. During the tour we stop to rest the dogs and change drivers.

When we return from the tour, we harness the dogs and take them into the kennels.Hot drinks and a sandwich are then served in the barbecue hut.

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