
Sauna is health. After a relaxing sauna bath, cold drinks and a meal with a touch of Norrbotten are enjoyed.
Min: 2 pers
Max: 8 pers
SEK 600/person

Sauna is health.
When you take a sauna, joints and muscles soften and you feel a sense of well-being in your body.
Sauna baths can be good for the heart according to a Finnish study, saunas and winter baths can relieve rheumatism.
Even elite athletes benefit from sauna baths to remove lactic acid and other residual products.
Strong heating and rapid cooling puts the body under a lot of stress, but that is also part of the nature of the bath and the enjoyment of saunas.

The price includes:

After a relaxing sauna bath, cold drinks and a meal with a touch of Norrbotten are enjoyed.

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